Hey guys! Thanks for your interest in my singing lesson packages! Below is some information about what I offer in my lessons, as well as timings and prices. I teach at various times from Monday - Thursday apart from when I'm away touring with my band Marisa And The Moths (which I will always give good notice about!). Please feel free to email me if you have anymore questions that aren't answered in the below text! 🤘🏻 And I look forward to helping you with your musical journey! 😄 Much love, Marisa 🦋 x
Timings & Prices
For "Pay As You Go" I currently offer 40 minute lessons and 1 hour lessons. It's £30 for 40 minutes. It's £45 for an hour. Discounted subscriptions are available with 3 month and 6 month options available. The bigger the pack, the cheaper it is! 🤘🏻 Please feel free to email me at marisamusic99@gmail.com for more information on how it works, prices and any help with how to book bulk lessons or one-offs! ☺️
How It Works?
Lessons are held over zoom, so no need to worry about extra travel costs or time stresses. From my experience this way of learning has also turned out to be an incredible way to get some extra practice time in and to track your singing progress more efficiently from the comfort of your home. Please don't panic if you've never done it before, many of my students were in the same boat and are flying with it now! I will take you through everything you need to know and get you set up like a pro! 🤘🏻
Important Disclaimer:
Your general lesson times will be agreed over email in advance of your 3 / 6 month subscription package starting. All lessons are valid and must be used within the course length. All lessons booked are paid for up front and if you miss the lesson without rescheduling with 24 hours minimum notice to rebook then that session will be non-refundable, so please make sure to be organised. There are more weeks than there are lessons in the courses so it gives a couple weeks flexibility for holidays or sickness etc. I can be flexible with moving lessons within reason if it's needed, but there are some restrictions with changes. If you need to move a pre-booked lesson within 24 hours of when it is booked for, please email marisamusic99@gmail.com so I can help you move it. Obviously the later you leave it, the harder it will be to move so please give me as much notice as you can. In most cases, this shouldn't be a problem, but just a warning/full disclosure, I like to be organised in advance as much as I can be as I get crazy busy! 🤘🏻 Thank you for understanding. ☺️